24 Hrs of Hot August Nights is just around the corner and I'll be heading down to Bolton, ON after a looooong fugging week of crazy night shifts. I've been burnt to a crisp tired all week. What better way to relax than going to a 24 hour race. I
must am stupid.
I'd like to draw your attention to a very cool program and an even cooler story that goes along with it...
My friend Cat runs
Trips For Kids here in Ottawa. I donate used cycling parts and pieces when I can to help out. I got a lovely e-mail the other day from Cat keeping me up-to-date on the progress of the program and a group of boys a long way from home:
Here are the name of the boys and where they came from all just one year ago.
They particpated in the Eastern Ontario High School Race in May and did very well.
They asked to go to the 24 hour races my Alex told them about.
I asked Chico if they would waive the race fees and they said yes.
Today I am packing, it will take 3 days to pack and cook for 11 of us, these boys, my two kids and Myself and Mario.
You can imagine 11 sleep bags, 11 camp mats, 11 bikes, 11 helmets, 11 place settings, 9 meals for 11 people, 3 sleeping tents, 2 dinning tents.
The boys have trained once a week since early June and have had two night rides.
They will be a all male team under 100 years of age.
Jordan- Kisangani, Republic Of Congo
D'Jemcy Pierre- Haiti
Yvan- Senegal, Africa
Yannick-Senegal, Africa
Ben Leo- Haiti
Esdras- Cameroun, Africa
Those bike jerseys look vaguely familiar. Who knew two fast little guys would fill them out so well. |
Chico Racing will waive fees for the 24 hour Hot August Nights event for "We du Team"
Remember the "new-to-Canada" youths that joined the mountain biking team coached by Cat Weaver at their school, Franco Ouest, who participate in the High school race last month. All of them completed the course well under the expected times for beginner racers, and since then they have been riding once a week with
Trips for Kids Ottawa.
Cat Weaver TFKO program director, who has taken 5 youth teams to 24 hour races over the past 3 years, wondered if Chico Racing would waive the race fees for these boys.
Immediately, Adam Ruppel president at Chico Racing replied “Yes, we will waive their race fee, what better way to encourage these boys in the sport".
The race fee for a team of 5 is over $ 600.00, what a generous gift! Thank you Chico Racing!!!
The five young people who will participate in the event came to Ottawa from Haiti, Mozambique, and Burundi in August 2010.
Funds still need to be raised for a rental vehicle, gas and food for these boys, but Cat is committed to getting them trained and ready to race at Albion Hills August 24/25th 2011!
Check out the
Trips For Kids blog for more info on the team and how they do at HAN.