Friday, August 7, 2009

Cape Breton R & R

**Insert photo of Cape Breton Island, the Cabot Trail, some fishermen, and a lobster . . . . can't upload any photos on this computer.

Blog posts will be sporadic, at best for the next week or so, as I am on family vacation in Cape Breton . . . and sadly, without any kind of high speed or relatively recent era computer capable of handling high speed if it did in fact exist way out in the countryside. Even more sadder'er is the fact that I have no bike with me. Last minute travel plans had us fly out, thus keeping packing light. Most of our luggage was baby related - stroller, car seat, etc. Too bad too cause there is some awesome road riding to be had in this neck of the woods with the Cabot Trail on my door step.

This will be the longest break off the bike since November. Mixed feelings about the whole thing . . . the body could use a little break, but mentally being off the bike for this amount of time will be mentally a long walk off a short pier. There's also the whole guilt feelings of not exercising (frequent trips to the pantry don't count as exercise do they?). Then there's the even more crippling fear of losing fitness and getting slower . . . . yes, I could get even slower.

**While trying to get this typed out, I've been back and fourth on another tab catching up on the blog-o-sphere and just found out that Fatty's loved wife, Susan, who had been battling cancer passed away yesterday. This is truly very saddening - please say a prayer for Susan, Elden and their family.


cornfed said...

From someone who recently spent many a trip between couch/lounge and pantry/mini-bar on a week long excursion with family like beings, prepare to get slower, but only for the first hour. After an hour you'll have all your fitness returned in super powers kind of way, only to be ripped of them and left dangling off the back 20 minutes later.

Enjoy the break. Eat while you can, it helps lessen the depression.

Anonymous said...

Or you can just get past your OCBD (obsessive compulsive bike disorder...we all have it) and forget about the bike for a week. It won't kill you. Spend some time with your little family (who both happen to be non-bikers) and for heaven's sake don't ruin a vacation by talking about how badly you wished you had a bike with you. I feel your pain man, I've biked the Cabot Trail, but keep it within.

The Cabot Trail isn't going anywhere, and it's not going to grow up and look different next year at this time. You can always come back and bike it, but you don't get too many first family vacations.

One more vacation means you're allowed to take a break from blogging too. Enjoy your time before it's back to worky worky in a few weeks.

Peter M said...

My buddy Chris could hook you up with a loaner bike if you wanted.

Jason said...

Enjoy the break. I know we (your readers) are enjoying the break from seeing you in your underwear or less. :)

The Vegan Vagabond said...

hi Craig, I'm really looking forward to my visit with Mrs. Pibbs tomorrow. Oh by the way, I may invite a few of my closest friends over while I'm cleaning out her litter box...

(Pst! Party at the Barlow residence tomorrow night! BYOB)