Friday, June 27, 2008

The BC Bike Race - blog reports

So, here I sit one week away from the start of The BC Bike Race, at my computer typing this and anticipating this yet to be experienced race. I am able to pre-schedule the next week's worth of daily blogs so that you can read each stage/day's race description - I wouldn't want you to miss me! I won't have time or most likely a place to blog from while out west, so they'll be loaded up automatically. At the end of each post there is a link to the race's home page where you can find results and photos from the day's stage and check on Curvy Butt & my progress. These will be most likely posted later in the day, so check back.

Tomorrow, Saturday June 28th we begin - wish us luck.

1 comment:

MCF said...

Good luck Craig!