Saturday, February 14, 2009

Going nowhere fast

Today's workout:

Hour One
- warming up 15 minute warm up (160+ watts)
- 15 minute Single Leg Drill (1 minute left leg, 1 minute right leg, 1 minute both, repeat)
- 15 minute steady riding (183+ watts)
- 15 minute tempo riding (215 - 253 watts)

Hour Two
- big gear, low cadence work 4x (10 minutes of big ring, low cadence, 5 minute recovery)
** one gear harder after each 10 minute segment, so my cadence lowered throughout the set. #1: 70rpm, #2, 65 rpm, #3 60rpm, #4 55rpm

Hour Three - power hour
- ladder effort of 2x through:
- 1 minute easy, 1 minute hard,
- 2 minutes easy, 2 minutes hard,
- 3 minutes easy, 3 minutes hard,
- 4 minutes easy, 4 minutes hard,
- 5 minutes easy, 5 minutes hard

(I didn't actually get though the second ladder - the legs were pooched by that point, so I finished the last 20 minutes at endurance pace followed by 10 minutes of recovery)

My ass after today's 3 hour ride. How appropriate for Valentine's Day - a heart shaped ass.

Just an hour in - two more to go.

I didn't want to get off the bike mid way through the ride to swap cycling videos, so the only movie I had that was about three hours long was one of The Lord of the Ring movies. Watching it got me thinking that Gollum would make a good cyclist, especially so a climber - he's all small and wirey and lean.

Maybe if I had a body like Gollum I'd climb faster.
"Me wants to climb faster."

Today's numbers:
3:01:28 hrs
just a little over 85km (and I didn't go anywhere)
avg speed = 28.08 km/hr
aprox. 2000 calories burned


The Vegan Vagabond said...

You are a super hero to sit on the trainer for 3 hours by yourself. I am in awe of your prowess...

Jason said...

NICE! I was telling some folks not long ago that I wanted to do a LOTR trilogy trainer session. You're 1/3 of the way there dude!