Yesterday it was our fifth year wedding anniversary. I can't believe someone would stay with me that long!?! She's a special, special lady who's got a lot of patience, love, support and understanding to put up with me.
Got out with the family for a walk on the Sugarbush trail in Gatineau Park. Chariot in the background - The Peanut is still getting used to the sling that we borrowed from Matt (thanks Matt!) and only lasted about ten minutes before we swapped her over to the papoose carrier. She's still too young to haul behind a bike (needs to be about a year) - I eagerly await for that day - will be good for training in the park hauling her uphill.
After our walk I met up with some chumps for a romp in and around the park. Rode some new (to me) trails - some techy bits and some buff, fast, flowy stuff. Mandatory climbing to begin with of course.
Capped off our anniversary with dinner and Bluesfest. A little rain didn't put a damper on our fun at the outside show as we got to see Cake and Blue Rodeo. So happens we ran into my afternoon riding buddies at the show who were trying to sneak in over the fence. I ratted them out by calling over event security.
Happy 5th Anniversary Chrissie!
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