Monday, September 21, 2009

Catching up

My view for most of my Saturday ride . . . struggling from the back to hang on.
Curvy Butt and Lenny kept me company as I struggled through the loop.

I was blessed this weekend, being home from training and with a glorious Saturday. I managed to squeeze in some time for a ride, so headed to the hills to go for a ride in Gatineau Park. You take your life into you hands while going for a road ride on a weekend in the Fall. Beggers can't be choosers . . . . haven't been on my bike in three weeks, so I put up with the nearly steady traffic to get a loop in. The leafers were out in full force, making their annual trek into the park to gawk at the leaves.
Time on the bike while riding with friends usually allows for ample opportunity to find out how everyone is doing and shoot the shit. With my lungs hanging out of my nose, I found it difficult to talk, so found myself on the listening end of the conversations most of the ride. Despite suffering, it was freak'in awesome to be outside, on the bike and with some good buddies going for a ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Riding is fun.