Being away from home, sometimes for two weeks at a time, has put things into perspective for me. I miss my bikes dearly, but I miss my Peanut and wifey more.
Next season, preparation (training) and racing won't be without it's challenges . . . the obvious and usual challenges: losing weight, not eating so much, fitting into my bib shorts, not overeating after a hard ride/race, cutting back on eating outside of meal times, trying to get out the habit of getting up at 3am to eat, etc. New challenges: juggling time between family, work and riding.

Cheesy as it may seem, but it's true.
*Perhaps the relevance of the above map is lost on you . . . . Remembrance Day is approaching - get your poppy. *
With time and commitment restraints I'll be looking to get the most of all my training rides. This upcoming season will be new, it will be different and I look forward to the challenge. All of this means smarter training. Means a plan.
With time and commitment restraints I'll be looking to get the most of all my training rides. This upcoming season will be new, it will be different and I look forward to the challenge. All of this means smarter training. Means a plan.
Now, that being said, I'm not the smrtest guy in the thingy . . . . but I knows fun when I sees it and riding has gots to be fun regardless of training or no training.
But then again, why train when apparently winning is for losers and losing is the new pink, which replaced brown which previously was the new black, which originally replaced blacker.
So here's to losing. Here's to coming in second in a three bike race. Here's to finishing mid pack and totally meeting and exceeding all expectations that my glorious sponsor has placed upon me in order to gather some sort of fiscal return on his original and silly investment which I place between my sweaty, hairy thighs everytime I go for a ride.
That's one cute little girl. As my daughter approaches adolescents, I miss those days!
wow! If losing is the new winning, well...
,goddamned if I can't just now look over my shoulder and see nobody chasing me at all!
that should be worth a pink trophy or two in the new 'last is first' paradigm. shit, I've got last place locked down so hard I might actually anti-lap myself. hoo-wah!
BTW, if Vimy or anything from that conflict is of interest, pick up (or borrow) Tim Cook's 'Shock Troops'. good read. Puts shit in perspective, for all the "suffering" we think we do these days.
(cause you gots time for idle reading. yeah, right.)
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