Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Four ride weekend (photo dump)

God save the queen . . . being part of the Empire (not to be associated with THE Empire) ain't a bad thing.  Victoria Day weekend was a beauty this year!
Only photo I took from Friday's SMH ride with Scott, Mark, John B., and King - a flat.  Exciting stuff.

Saturday's ride with Brian and Jason.  Check out those panty lines!  Is that a really wide thong Jason is wearing or Depends undergarment for being incontinent?  He did wet himself once during the ride.

Tower on top of Fortune.  I was the middle man - Brian was ahead of me on the climbs, Jason behind.  Perfect scenario for not having to try.

Camp Fortune Ski Hill - trails were in great shape and work had been done on them.


Depends Undergarment Man

Sunday was a 2 hr city tour with wifey and The Peanut in tow.

I think this is the only stretch that wasn't littered with walkers and runners who took two lanes.  Even with a 9 AM start the pathways were chock-a-blocked.

Lots of baby geese out. 

Rolling through Experimental Farm - here they grow two headed cows and tomaccos

A Sunday ride would be a waste without coffee and cookies.  The Peanut loves her chochy-chip cookies.

Sunday afternoon was spent taking a dip in King's newly aquired pool.  It was nirvana escaping the heat  minus the wee penis

The Peanut working on her doggy paddle.

Holiday Monday morning was spent knocking out a reverse loop of Fortune.  John B. all fuzzed out.

King draped over the handlebars like wet laundry riding up a particularly steep pitch on Fanny.

Matt's dog Chance chased.


Brian Garson said...

Gotta love the long weekends, I started out with a couple laps at Fortune on Friday. SMH session with a friend on Saturday, followed up by an SMH loop later with the ladies. A 120k road ride sunday, and a gatineau loop on Monday :)

pv said...

Sick shots as always man.

Dicky could take some cues from that...all he ever posts is shots of his fetid workbench...a hearty MEH! to that.

Keep it up man...good stuff.