Friday, February 27, 2009

Rides on the radar

I was over on the Tall Tree Cycles Ride Log and have found some a few new rides that I'm going to try and work into the ride/race schedule this season. Matt, winner of the illustrious Big Ring Racing Invitational Mock Grand Prix, posted up some interesting, long'ish dirt/gravel rides:

All three of these rides would be most excellent on this bike . . . . which I am waiting to arrive . . . and waiting. . . . and waiting.

1 comment:

Matt Spak said...

mmmmm peanut butter, Weakness is understood. I can sit down with a jar of peanut butter and a sleeve of saltine crackers with no second thought. The crackers are only used to make me feel like a grown up, I'm always tempted to sit with the jar and a spoon.